Friday, July 19, 2013

What really is an ALLERGY?

An allergy is defined as a condition of unusual sensitivity of one individual towards one or more substances which may be harmless or even beneficial to a majority of other individuals.  Any substance is capable of producing a reaction.  A reaction of 30% or less is considered mild reaction.

Allergic reactions can cause changes to various molecules in the body that can be measured.  In a reaction that is more than mild, the immune mediator IgG becomes elevated but the IgE does not elevate.  A true allergy is when IgE is elevated.  When a person gets allergy testing completed with blood analysis, the majority of testing is based on IgG and IgE levels with different possible allergens.

So what kinds of things can cause an allergic reaction?
  • Toxins from food, bacteria, fungus, virus, neurotoxins, msg, radiation, etc.
  • Post-Injuries, accidents, surgery
  • Genetically transmitted sources:  Inherited allergies from past family generations
  • Deficiency and malabsorption disorders
  • Emotional traumas

So an allergy is much more than coughs, sneezes, and rashes... although that is usually what you think of.  Allergy can present as headaches, irritable bowel issues, eczema, chronic sinus drainage, diarrhea, vomiting, poor concentration, and much more.

Acute allergies occur soon after exposure to the allergen, possibly within minutes.
Low levels allergies can occur days after exposure... such as low level food allergies or headaches.

What is the weirdest symptom that you have experienced?  Do you know what caused it? 

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