Saturday, August 31, 2013

Being the first to ask

I remember when David and I got married, we made these books of photos.  There was a book of David and his 2 best men, me and my 2 maids of honor, a book of us and Layla, and our final book was pictures of the two of us.  At the time I didn't think much of it... but as people viewed the photo books at our arrival dinner, multiple people asked me 'How did you get so many pictures of David and you?'  My answer was always... 'Well, we asked people to take them.' 

So now I am reading this book Women Don't Ask, and with every page I turn I am brought back to times like this and I can't help but to think, those people that asked me how we got so many pictures... I bet they never ask.  Never ask that random stranger in front of the Washington Monument, never task their server at the restaurant... they never ask anyone.

So blowing this up into global perspective, which is what the book does, not asking can have huge long-term effects on how far a person progresses in life.  And even though I do ask for someone to snap a shot of us in random places, how many times have I not asked... not asked for that increase in time-off, not asked for that raise, not asked for a refund on a horrible burger, and not asked for help with picking weeds.

Why is it so hard to ask?  It shouldn't be. 

I recommend... even if you ask... to read this book and see how you can improve your future.

Women Don't Ask Book